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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Go and sit in retreat Tahir Canada, Abid Sher Ali

پارٹی میں کوئی اختلاف نہیں ہے چوہدری نثار سمیت تمام لوگ میاں نوازشریف کی قیادت پرمتفق ہیں،عابد شیر علی 

ملتان: وزیر مملکت برائے پانی و بجلی عابد شیر علی نے کہا کہ ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری کا پارلیمنٹ میں کوئی وجود نہیں وہ کینیڈا جاکر اعتکاف میں بیٹھیں۔


Monday, 30 June 2014

How To Get Confidential Information About A Website?

Ever wondered how to get certain confidential information about a website that you can't normally get from an About Us or Contact page? Who is the owner of a website and how to get in touch with him? Where is the website hosted? What ad-networks is a site using? What Content Management System is powering a site? The answer to these questions can sometimes be useful, for example when you're looking for information about your competitors, or maybe just trying to follow the footsteps of your favorite blogger.


Monday, 23 June 2014

Add Stylish Email Subscription Box With Social Icons To Blogger Blog

Hello bloggers, Every blog should have email subscription box and social icons to redirect with your blog fanpages on social networks. So that, I introduced Subscription box with social icons. It is looking very attractive. Style of Blogger blog is little simple than wordpress blog. The main reason for this thing is widget style and template style. By adding this Stylish Email subscription box with 5 popular social buttons. Hover style social buttons looking very attractive and it placed at the top of the Subscription widget.


Hover Effect Recent Comments Widget For Bloggers

As I said already, recent comments widget inspires your audience to writing on your post. I told about the importance of recent comments widget. Here I had posted Recent comments widget for blogger blog with hover effect. You can set the widget anywhere on your blog. Easy to implement to your blogger blog. It will maximize your blog traffic rate. If someone comment on any of the post on your blog, they will come back to your blog when discussion going on. 


Tag Style Cloud Label Widget For Blogger

Cloud label widget is one of the mostly used widget by bloggers. It helps to increase Page views. It shows the tags added into your blog. Tags which have added by you will show your blog contents. If it shows attractive to your blog visitors, they may surf your blog again and again. Here I had added tag style cloud labels widget for blogger blog. It will impress your audience and it will make your blog as professional & stylish. You can customize label color and style by changing in code for your blog template.


Saturday, 21 June 2014

Add 5 In One Subscription Widget To Blogger Blog

Adding Facebook like box, twitter follow buttons and Google+ button in blog is preventing the loading speed of your blog. All you know that loading speed of your blog is the important factor to keep your audience with your blog for long time. If your blog is simple it can be done easily. Here I have to tell one thing that reducing number of widgets on your blog will increase blog loading speed causing more page views. That's why I'm going to introduce this 5 in one blogger subscription widget.

Email subscribe button, Facebook like button, Google+ button, Twitter Follow button, rss link are 5 properties added in a single 5 in one subscription widget. You can add it to any of your blog. This 5 in one subscription widget got good results.


Pajama Dheela Topi Tight....Teaser 2014 commander Safegaurd

This Dialogue Always Remained Favourite for childs in every episode of commander safegaurd.This year A new Way of Fighting With Germs by Commander Safeguard  is To be introduced..So B Ready For The Next Battle
